[Trackman Literacy]Golf D-Plane in 5 minutes (4) Horizontal Launch Direction Part2. How to hit the straight ball to the target.
1) Swing Arc and Club Path
2) Low point impact
3) Out-in-the-down/ In-in-the-Up impact
4) how to hit straight to the target.
Explanation using the D-Plane-on-SwingArc-model [Golf D-Plane in 5 minutes Series]
Video1) D-Plane Concept https://youtu.be/lp4Md9jGX0U
Video2) True Ball flight law: Face-to-Path=carvature https://youtu.be/JdNDTN_Z0ak
Video3) True Ball flight law: Launch Direction
Part1 https://youtu.be/fRoYVY06–Y Video4) True Ball flight law: Launch Direction
Part2 ← This video! Video5) Vertical Launch and spin
Video6) Improvement of the trajectory using D-Plane
#D-plane,#Trackman-D-Plane,#TrackmanLiteracy,#LaunchDirection, #swing-arc, #club-path, #D-plane-on-Swingarc